Discipleship at the
The Refuge is a church for those who are hungry to learn—first of all the Bible, but also a whole lot of other thing too (theology, history, apologetics, etc.). We believe that Christians are “transformed through the renewing of the mind” (Romans 12:2), and so provide opportunities all week long for transformative growth—a 2 year discipleship program, individual discipleship, seminars, conferences, small group discipleship (CD Groups), and even a MA level theological program for those desiring formal ministry training.
Anyone who considers the Refuge Fellowship Church their home church family and the church that God wants you to be attending, CD Groups are for you! These are small (4-7), intensive discipleship groups. They meet weekly and are run by a facilitator approved by the leadership. These provide the structure and accountability needed to grow in your relationship with Jesus. Contact any of the church leaders to get more information about joining one!

For those who are able and willing to be challenged in their walk with Jesus, consider living in a gender specific discipleship house. These are small communities that live in a structured, disciplined environment geared towards growth. Another purpose of these houses is to be able to bring in someone with a lot of brokenness in their life and give them the structure they need for healing and growth towards the victorious Christian life. Contact anyone from the church leadership for more information regarding these houses.
A key part of the college and discipleship house ministry and availble to anyone who wants to attend. The Lost Keys Project Discipleship Intensive is a two year track, which pushes students to learn and grow in key aspects of New Testament discipleship. Drawing from Scripture and looking to the lives of powerful Christians from the past, students will be challenged in areas like personal holiness, prayer, power for service, spiritual warfare, and hearing God’s voice.

Heartland School of Ministry
For those who want a more formal training, Heartland School of Ministry is partnering with us! Students will engage in weekly one-on-one meetings with their mentor while working along side them in ministry during the week. On Saturday, our students convene for extended classroom tutorials. This allows our students to immediately put into practice the content that is being taught in the classroom while receiving the intentional investment of a Mentor to help them through the real-world challenges of every day ministry and to grow in their own spiritual maturity. This allows us to bridge the gap between theoretical learning and practical application.