Derakim Student Ministries
Derakim Student Ministries is for those who are hungry to learn—first of all the Bible, but also a whole lot of other things too (theology, history, apologetics, etc.). We believe that Christians are “transformed through the renewing of the mind” (Romans 12:2), and so provide opportunities all week long for transformative growth—a discovery group on thusdays, a 2-3 year discipleship program (seminars), individual discipleship, prayer nights, conferences, and small group discipleship (CD Groups).

Open to any college students. To meet other serious disciples of Jesus or just to find out more about what following Jesus is all about.
This meets at the Corner House (1801 Anderson) from 6pm to 8pm on Sunday Evenings Starting on 08/25/24.
A key part of Derakim Student Ministries is the discipleship seminars! The Lost Keys Project Discipleship Intensive is a 2-3 year track, which pushes students to learn and grow in key aspects of New Testament discipleship. Drawing from Scripture and looking to the lives of powerful Christians from the past, students will be challenged in areas like personal holiness, prayer, power for service, spiritual warfare, and hearing God’s voice.
This meets close to campus at the Corner House (1801 Anderson) on Saturday mornings from 8am-10:30am.

Prayer should be an essential function of any gathering of the body of Christ. We believe God hears and responds to prayer. It's how things happen in the Kingdom of God!
This happens every Tuesday evening at 6:30pm-8:30pm at College Heights Baptist Church (2320 Anderson Ave, Manhattan, KS)!
Anyone who wants serious accountability in their Christian walk, CD Groups are for you! These are small (4-7), intensive discipleship groups. They meet weekly and are run by a facilitator approved by the leadership. These provide the structure and accountability needed to grow in your relationship with Jesus.

For those who are able and willing to be challenged in their walk with Jesus, consider living in a gender specific discipleship house. These are small communities that live in a structured, disciplined environment geared towards growth. Another purpose of these houses is to be able to bring in someone with a lot of brokenness in their life and give them the structure they need for healing and growth towards the victorious Christian life.