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Written to reinforce some of the core beliefs of the Refuge Fellowship. Why do we do what we do? Why do we do it the way we do it? It's all summarized here.
1. How can I know I am really born again?
2. Is knowing the Bible really that important?
3. How do I keep from falling into sin?
4. How do I pray in a way that actually works?
5. How do I experience the Holy Spirit’s power in ministry?
6. Can Satan still torment me after I become a Christian?
7. How can I know God more intimately?
8. How am I supposed to make sense of evil and suffering?
9. How can I be sure when God is speaking to me?
10. Does every Christian need to be concerned about the poor and oppressed?
Why God Used D.L. Moody
Why Revival Tarries
The Derakim
They Found the Secret
The Cross and the Switchblade
The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit
Lectures on Revival
The Problem of Pain
The Ministry of Intercession
No Easy Road
The Bondage Breaker
Crazy Love
How to Pray
Praying Hyde
Victory Over the Darkness
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